GDK Solder Paste Printer X9+ and Double Lane SPI/AOI Solution Case
X9+ Solder Paste Printer(GDK)
Maximum 450 * 350mm, minimum PCB 50 * 50mm,
Printing accuracy: 15um,
Cycle time: 11 seconds.
Max. PCB size 510mm x 460mm
(Double lane) :510mm * 330mm, (Single lane):510mm * 600mm ,
Min. PCB size 50mm * 50mm
Camera Resolution: 2448 x 2048(5 Mega Pixels)
Lighting System:Surrounding RGB Light Source
FOV :36mm x 30mm
Resolution:15 μ m
Max. PCB size 500mm x 460mm
(Double lane) :510mm * 330mm, (Single lane):500mm * 600mm ,
Min. PCB size 50mm * 50mm
Camera Resolution:8.8 Mega Pixels
Lighting System:Surrounding RGB Light Source
FOV:61mm * 32mm
Resolution:15 μ m
D3 (GDK) Glue Dispenser
XYZ axis positioning accuracy
XY:±30um Z:±10um
XYZ axis repetition accuracy
XY:±15um Z:±10um
Maximum dispensing range
This video is show one of the line of the customer production line.
There are more than 100 production lines.
All equipments printing machines AOI SPI adopt GDK brand(X9+,ALE,SLE,D3)
Main products:
Led ultra thin LCD TV
1. Standard definition digital LCD TV integrated with DVB-T and DVD
2. Standard definition digital LCD TV integrated with ATSC and DVD
3. HD digital LCD TV
4. Integrated Blu ray Disc Player HD LCD TV
Digital set top box
HD digital set top box
1. DVB-T standard definition digital terrestrial set top box
2. DVB-T HD digital terrestrial set top box
3. Standard definition digital terrestrial set top box with built-in hard disk and PVR function
4. Standard definition digital terrestrial set top box with integrated video disc player
5. Standard definition digital terrestrial set top box with Ethernet function
Integrated Blu ray disc digital set top box
1. ATSC standard definition digital terrestrial set top box
2. ATSC HD digital terrestrial set top box
3. Paid HD digital terrestrial set top box